Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week of 1/9

Who's ready to come back to school?! I'm sure at least parents are cheering! :) Hopefully everyone enjoyed the snow - it's not often that we get a great snow like that!

Here's what's coming up this week:
Language Arts: 
Skills/strategies: We will be focusing on predicting, but will also be reviewing main idea and summarizing by reading books, passages, and doing practice activities during Reading Jam.

Please be sure that your child is reading nightly. Studies show that daily reading shows significant growth in vocabulary development and overall achievement. We want our kids to LOVE books and become lifelong readers, so we must work together to foster that love of reading.

We'll continue to work on equality in an equation (balancing equations) and the associative property of addition.  Stay tuned to the agenda for an assessment date. It is critical that students are practicing their facts daily (all basic facts: addition/subtraction/multiplication/division). Lack of fact fluency really slows them down in their computation of larger numbers. 
Students should be bringing home their math notebook any time they have math homework and should be using notes as a guide for the steps.
Remember to use the portaportal site to review math concepts at home: 
I sent the login information via email in the beginning of the year. If you need it again, just email me:

Virginia Studies:
We'll continue to learn about the American Revolution - this week we'll review what caused the war and the roles of important Virginians in the war. I will send home the notebook daily so students can continue to review notes since it's a lot of information to learn. Be sure to have conversations about what they're learning to help it stick! :) Stay tuned to the agenda for upcoming assessment dates!

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